Thursday, July 16, 2009


First off, PhilHealth Philippines blog is a free resource wherein our content from articles, photos, videos and audio are also found via online search. We do not claim anything to be ours, instead, they are properties of their respected owners unless otherwise specified. Any concerns regarding these mentioned materials should be addressed to their respective owners, however, if you find anything you own or is copyrighted to you and you wish it be removed from our posts, email us at casuncadsteratgmaildotcom with attached proof, documents, authorization to act on behalf of the owner a photo copy of your identity or ID, a lawyer's notarized document (as needed) and whatever else is necessary proving your claim of ownership. We will attend to your concern as soon as we can.

Secondly, we are not PhilHealth, the official agency of the Philippine government that handles all health insurance matters for working and paying members. We exist simply to share and disseminate information via online presence using online resources. We do not represent any entity of PhilHealth agency, its officials or any employee.

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